Let's chat!

Feeling overwhelmed by a specific tech hurdle or burning question holding your business back?

Here's how it works:
  1. You choose your topic: Stuck on Meta Ads? Confused by email marketing automation? Need help creating a high-converting lead magnet? No problem! We'll tackle any tech challenge or business question you throw my way.
  2. We craft a customized plan: Before our session, we'll chat about your specific goals and challenges. Then, I'll create a personalized roadmap to address your needs.
  3. Intensive deep-dive: During our 90-minute session, we'll dig deep into your chosen topic. I'll answer your questions, guide you through the process step-by-step, and offer hands-on support to ensure you walk away with clear solutions and a newfound sense of confidence.

My 90-minute Intensive Sessions are your personalized deep-dive solution!

We'll equip you with a curated list of tutorials, templates, and additional resources to keep you on track and empowered as you move forward.

3) Your Customized Resource Vault

A Google Doc filled with actionable tasks, designed to be easy to understand and implement, even for beginners.

2) Bite-sized action plan

Ditch the confusion! We'll translate complex systems into clear, actionable steps tailored to your specific needs and goals (Tech) or craft a laser-focused Facebook Ads strategy that attracts your ideal clients (Facebook Ads).

1)Your Personalized Tech Roadmap

Unlock Biz Clarity in Just 90 Minutes
Walk away feeling confident and empowered with...

Gain the knowledge and tools to tackle those roadblocks that have been holding you back. Finally, focus on what you do best – igniting your impact and growing your business!

4) The Confidence to Thrive

This intensive is perfect for you if:

  • You're tired of feeling overwhelmed by tech jargon & Meta Ads complexities.
  • You want to understand the "why" behind your tech stack or Meta Ads and make informed decisions.
  • You're ready to take control and manage your business with confidence.

Let's ditch the overwhelm and unlock your business potential together!

Mellissa D.

Khara has a remarkable talent to dissect challenges and then craft Logical, easy to implement solutions.

Khara can quickly tackle any operational issue and translate it into understandable and actionable steps...and that is truly a unique skill. But it's not just the "what", it's the why. Her gift is making complex technology accessible and easy to use especially for non-techy business owners like me. Khara is a masterful and patient teacher who empowers, not just informs, her clients and gives them simple tools to elevate their own success.

Nick & Kate S.

Khara brings a strategic mind to the table, constantly brainstorming ways to improve and grow the business.

Khara is a true team player, implementing innovative systems and streamlining operations to ensure everything runs smoothly. Whether it's client communication or back-end development, she excels in all aspects, making her a vital part of our success story.

Working with Khara on multiple projects, including the book that we co-authored, was a truly rewarding experience. Her project management skills are top-notch. What truly impresses me is Khara's collaborative spirit. She fosters a positive and productive working environment, where everyone feels valued and heard. This collaborative approach was key to the success of our projects.

Tim M.

Khara's dedication, expertise, and collaborative spirit make her an invaluable asset to any Business.


For tips and updates follow me on Insta @kharamalcom

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